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Telefax Score No. 1
2016/2019, score for sixteen instruments, booklet, 24 pages, 31 × 23.5 cm

"Telefax Score No. 1" records all the sounds of an ordinary fax transmission sent from Berlin to London on 8 September, 2016. The entirety of the communication between the two fax machines – normally sent over the telephone lines within seconds as sequences of tones – has been recorded, slowed down to an appropriate speed and transcribed into a composition for 16 instruments.

The world premiere took place in half instrumentation on 9 April 2024 at the Künstlerhaus Palais Thurn und Taxis in Bregenz, Austria.

The concert was performed by:
Markus Beer and Tabea Böhringer – Clarinet
Bálint Böjtös and Maria Lalazarova – Oboe
Juan Gómez and Verena Jungwirth – Cello
Eugen Rigger and Alexander Wegner – Trombone

Conducted by Martin Deuring

Special thanks to Kornelius Heidebrecht.